I found interesting to read...

It was very interesting to find out that there is one thing people everywhere through the times have  in common: they all are curious about the beginning of things. They all seek to understand the meaning of life from a very deep context. I grew up Catholic and I remember as a little girl being fascinated by the biblical stories of Genesis - how the world was created, and slowly how human beings came here. In  Australia,  the Aboriginal or native peoples have lived there for many years until the Europeans arrived; they had a very primitive lifestyle of hunters and gatherers. In fact, there is still a very small community that still practices some of the ancient rituals. Furthermore, there is a collection of myths, legends and stories that explains how the earth was formed and came to be the way it is now. It is called Dreamtime. It is also very interesting that both in Genesis and the Dreamtime stories the main characters of these stories are male and female (p.49).


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