
When it comes to the timeline eras, I could not separate  Gaia of the rest of the eras.

Based on my understanding of this concept, Giai is constantly manifesting itself in all organisms of the earth.

Based on an article in Kosmos Journal, the way Gaia is defined as “ the sphere consciousness of planet

earth”. Every living thing, every evolution the earth has gone through from the beginning,

Gaia has been interlinked in that transformation. So I would organize the timeline as follows: 

Cosmic, the creation of earth, 

Paleolithic - stone age, 

Neolithic - continuation of stone age but progressing to a more sophistication on tools previously used, 

Ancient - the civilization that we know now and the discovery of the written world, 

Classical - Western civilization begins, 

Modern - the renaissance/European era, 

Ecozoic - present time, and a great need to recognize all the damage that we have done to our earth,

and in order to survive we need to live in harmony with human and non-human organisms.



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